miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

Possible Epistemology Questions

1.    What is knowledge?
Knowledge is the information you understand and know, acquired through experiences, investigations and interpretations.
2.    What we can know?
You can know whatever you want, if you have interest of knowing.
3.    How we can know it?
You can know it, through investigations, experiences that are presented in your normal life, interpretations you infer by actions or feelings, between others.
4.    Why do we know some things, but no others?
You know some things , because through your life, they have being presented in actions, events or success you lived, so you acquired that kind of knowledge by your human experiences and interpretation, and you don’t know some things because you haven’t life that kind of things.
5.   How do we acquire knowledge?
By experiences and data. 

How much can we know?
All of which you learn during your life
How do we know that we know?
Comparing to the 'knowledge' that has been stablished
Does knowledge is different in each person?
Maybe, because of their lifestyle and ability of reasoning
Does our knowledge represent reality as it is?
yes proved in truth
Is it possible to acquire knowledge at all?
Based on rationalism and empiricism , yes.

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